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by Naomi Berhane 

I had a dream that I was stuck in one of those retro restaurants

2020 music blaring from a jukebox…


by Naomi Berhane 

I had a dream that I was stuck in one of those retro restaurants

2020 music blaring from a jukebox…

Mz. LIBERTY by Clarence R. Williams 

The screams moans and cries 
awaken my consciousness 
to an all time high 
Names called out from small mouths… 


by Clarence R. Williams 

The screams moans and cries 
awaken my consciousness 
to an all time high 
Names called out from small mouths… 

ORBS by Manzi 


Occasionally, I see things that remind me we live in a hidden universe as well as one that is seen by all. The earth, by any measure, is alive in more ways than I could ever imagine. Fireballs teasingly rolling across a southern country road remind me that some things are simply revealed.

 They appear like the common tumbleweed in every way, but for the elegance of their delicate and fiery plumes.

I was pleasantly surprised one early evening to see their existence. I’d heard about them, but upon seeing them, I felt a gentle reverence watching how gracefully they tumbled across the road, each one dropping precisely into the space where the one before it vanished.

Fossil Fuels

by Kathryn Pope

Fossil Fuels

by Kathyrn Pope